Why Healthcare Matters Blog

In this space, the author of the in-development book, Why Healthcare Matters: How Business and Consumerism Are Transforming the Model (www.whyhealthcarematters.com) shares his experiences on the road to publishing. The book will be a guide to progressive business leaders interested in creating real change at their companies by empowering employees toward greater personal responsibility for their health, and better ROI for the health benefit dollar

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Publisher or profit?

They told me the only good way to publish a book was to write a great proposal, get a savvy agent and approach the best publishers in the industry. Then the others said that publishers retain most of the revenue, don't do a thing to help you with the writing and leave you to do your own promotion.

So, after a couple years of straddling the fence about which way to go with the marketing of Why Healthcare Matters, it's clearly time to just get on with the writing of the book. I haven't seen Al Gore's movie http://www.climatecrisis.net or read his book, but I like that he's been able to use his knowledge and platform to speak his mind about global warming. I really see the power in that. Healthcare was supposed to be the issue in the 2004 presidential campaign until terrorism, Iraq and swift boats were seen by consultants as more relevant issues to the populace. Healthcare is difficult to champion as a politician. It's too complex. The Clintons tried to take it on early in their presidency and it nearly choked them. But for 2008, if we're past the immigration issue, healthcare should be domestic Topic A.

Why Healthcare Matters should be out by the end of 2007, and it can hopefully can fuel the political agenda during the next presidential campaign.


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