Why Healthcare Matters Blog

In this space, the author of the in-development book, Why Healthcare Matters: How Business and Consumerism Are Transforming the Model (www.whyhealthcarematters.com) shares his experiences on the road to publishing. The book will be a guide to progressive business leaders interested in creating real change at their companies by empowering employees toward greater personal responsibility for their health, and better ROI for the health benefit dollar

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Finally, writing space!

Well, it was a long time coming, but then it happened fast. Just after my past post, we moved from our small NYC apartment to this house barge in a marina! This photo is the "before" picture, and plenty of time, effort and $$ have gone into the "after" pic. But after a full summer of fixing it up (well my wife coordinated just about all of it!), there is now an office fully equipped and ready for writing (that's the window in the lower right).

With everything set in that regard, I've also decided to revisit the agent route. There's just too much that can go amiss with self-publishing. So the proposal is back on the table, revisions are underway, and the plan is to begin sending query letters to agents by early next month. The overall timeline has definitely shifted a bit, but it has also allowed the book to grow and mature. Events continue to feed the main themes and storyline, and the content more viable than ever.